The real test of character is how you treat someone who has no possibility of doing you any good. George Orwell View this quote
One cannot really be a Catholic and grown up. George Orwell
George Orwell
One defeats a fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one’s intelligence. George Orwell
One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. George Orwell
One of the effects of a safe and civilized life is an immense over sensitiveness which makes all the primary emotions somewhat disgusting. George Orwell
One wants to live, of course, indeed one only stays alive by virtue of the fear of death. George Orwell
One’s got to change the system, or one changes nothing. George Orwell
Orthodoxy is the ability to say two and two make five when faith requires it. George Orwell
Part of the reason for the ugliness of adults, in a child’s eyes, is that the child is usually looking upwards, and few faces are at their best when seen from below. George Orwell
Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism. George Orwell
People invent new machines and improve existing ones almost unconsciously, rather as a Somnambulist will go walking in his sleep. The interesting puzzle in our times is that we so willingly sleepwalk through the process of reconstituting the conditions of human existence. George Orwell
English author and journalist
June 25th, 1903 - January 21st, 1950