To be successful in life, you must get in the habit of turning negatives into positives. George Foreman View this quote
Read the Bible; it is your roadmap through life. George Foreman
George Foreman
That’s my gift. I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck’s back. If it’s not positive, I didn’t hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy. George Foreman
The fighters who give it all will be around for next year. Give it all you’ve got. Don’t save anything. George Foreman
The greatest asset, even in this country, is not oil and gas. It’s integrity. Everyone is searching for it, asking, ‘Who can I do business with that I can trust?’ George Foreman
The world is full of people who want to play it safe, people who have tremendous potential but never use it. Somewhere deep inside them, they know that they could do more in life, be more, and have more – if only they were willing to take a few risks. George Foreman
Without that appreciation and respect for other people, true leadership becomes ineffective, if not impossible. George Foreman
You’ve got to have a focus. You just fight for money, you get hurt. You focus on the title, you’ll just naturally make money doing it. George Foreman
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Just learn from the guys who have already done it well. You need a mentor, a seasoned coach who is willing to share his wisdom and experience with you. Ask someone who has already been successful to guide you. George Foreman
Generally when there’s a lot of smoke… there’s just a whole lot more smoke. George Foreman
A boxer never sees the big one that hits him. George Foreman
American professional boxer, ordained Baptist minister, author and entrepreneur
January 10th, 1949