Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance. Eckhart Tolle View this quote
Life is your deepest inner Being. It is already whole, complete, perfect. Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle
Loss of meaning is often part of the suffering that comes with physical loss, but it can also happen to people who have gained everything the world has to offer – who have made it in the eyes of the world – and suddenly find that their success or possessions are empty and unfulfilling. Eckhart Tolle
Many adults play roles when they speak to young children. They use silly words and sounds. They talk down to the child. They don’t treat the child as an equal. The fact that you temporarily know more, or you’re bigger does not mean the child is not your equal. Eckhart Tolle
Many people in this world are still so identified with every thought that arises in their head. There is not the slightest space of awareness there. Eckhart Tolle
More humans than ever are now going through the awakening process, and many more are destined to do so quite soon. Eckhart Tolle
Most human relationships consist mainly of minds interacting with each other, not of human beings communicating, being in communion. Eckhart Tolle
Most people spend their entire life imprisoned within the confines of their own thoughts. They never go beyond a narrow, mind-made, personalized sense of self that is conditioned by the past. Eckhart Tolle
Music creates a bridge for people to move out of thinking and into presence. Eckhart Tolle
Music is a wonderful way of getting in touch with the stillness within. Eckhart Tolle
Neither concepts nor mathematical formulae can explain the infinite. Eckhart Tolle
German writer
February 16th, 1948