If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying and planning and getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting started. Drew Houston View this quote
The only way to learn on a zero dollar budget is to talk to people. Drew Houston
Drew Houston
We’ve had customers from the beginning. The reason people use Dropbox is because they really love it. We think more about who is going to be competing with what we are going to be doing, not with where we started. Drew Houston
What scares me the most is that both the poker bot and Dropbox started out as distractions. That little voice in my head was telling me where to go, and the whole time I was telling it to shut up so I could get back to work. Sometimes that little voice knows best. Drew Houston
With something like Dropbox, it was immediately like, ‘Wow, this is literally something that anyone with an Internet connection could use.’ Everyone needs something like this; they just don’t realize it yet. Drew Houston
You have to adopt a mindset that says, ‘Okay, in three months, I’ll need to know all this stuff, and then in six months there’s going to be a whole other set of things to know – again in a year, in five years.’ The tools will change, the knowledge will change, the worries will change. Drew Houston
You must maximize the probability that someone shows up at front door of your store or website and ends up with a solved problem. Drew Houston
American computer scientist
March 4th, 1983