As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. Donald Trump View this quote
It’s important to focus on the solution, not the problem. Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Learning to expect problems saved me from a lot of wasted energy. Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves. Donald Trump
Leverage: don’t make deals without it. Donald Trump
Never ever ever give up. You can change and move around but never ever give up. Donald Trump
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. Donald Trump
Stay confident even when something bad happens. It is just a bump in the road. It will pass. Donald Trump
Success comes from failure, not from memorizing the right answers. Donald Trump
The best investments you ever make are investments in yourself – and your education. Those investments always pay big dividends. Donald Trump
The one sure way to success is to know everything you can about what you do. Donald Trump
When you hit a wall find ways to go under and over, but never give up. Donald Trump
45th President of the United States of America
June 14th, 1946