Don’t take advice from anyone you wouldn’t trade places with. Darren Hardy View this quote
Innovation is the never-ending pursuit of something better. Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy
It is not the event or circumstance that causes ‘stress’. It is you and your opinion about it. Darren Hardy
It’s amazing how life will organize around the standards you set for yourself. Darren Hardy
It’s supposed to be difficult. No resistance, no growth. Challenges introduce you to your potential. Darren Hardy
Let your haters be your motivators. Darren Hardy
Let your past instruct you, not continue to beat you down. Look back for lessons, not excuses. Darren Hardy
Life is a tool that teaches – both good and bad. The difference is our perception. Darren Hardy
Mastery is not talent, chance or luck. It is hard freaking work. Darren Hardy
Mess creates stress and encourages you to procrastinate. Clean it up and get on with it! Darren Hardy
Money flows where energy goes. Energy goes where you give attention. Darren Hardy
American newspaper publisher
February 1st, 1971