Don’t take advice from anyone you wouldn’t trade places with. Darren Hardy View this quote
What you accept today becomes your new standard tomorrow. Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy
You become the average of those you hang with. Look at you friends, and you’ll see your future. Darren Hardy
You get in life what you tolerate. Darren Hardy
Your body is a business. Take care of it or soon you’ll be out of business. Darren Hardy
Hang out with those who have a common future, not a common past. Darren Hardy
If your plan isn’t working, change the plan, not the goal. Darren Hardy
People don’t resent you for being brave. They resent themselves for being afraid. Darren Hardy
Pressure moments are an opportunity to show how good you are. Shine baby, shine! Darren Hardy
A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines seperates the most successful among us from everyone else. Darren Hardy
A small success fuels your ambition and your ambition fuels your next success. Darren Hardy
American newspaper publisher
February 1st, 1971