Don’t take advice from anyone you wouldn’t trade places with. Darren Hardy View this quote
Stop looking for new ideas and start acting on the ones you already have. Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy
Stop thinking about what you need to do. Instead, focus on who you need to be. Darren Hardy
Success is not for those who want it, nor those who need it, but for those who are utterly determined to seize it – whatever it takes. Darren Hardy
Success is when what you think, say and do are the same. Darren Hardy
Successful people think about what they want and how they will get it. Darren Hardy
The activities you are most afraid of are the activities that can cause a breakthrough in your success. Step into them. Darren Hardy
The best way to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give others. Darren Hardy
The bridge between what you have and what you want is forged through action. Darren Hardy
The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. Darren Hardy
The future belongs to those who endeavor to create it. Darren Hardy
American newspaper publisher
February 1st, 1971