He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior. Confucius View this quote
Just as lavishness leads easily to presumption, so does frugality to meanness. But meanness is a far less serious fault than presumption. Confucius
Knowing it does not compare with loving it; loving it does not compare with delighting in it. Confucius
Knowing something is not as good as liking it. Liking something is not as good as rejoicing in it. Confucius
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it. Confucius
Let a man be stimulated by poetry, established by the rules of propriety, and perfected by music. Confucius
Let every man consider virtue as what devolves on himself. He may not yield the performance of it even to his teacher. Confucius
Let mourning stop when one’s grief is fully expressed. Confucius
Let our reason, and not our senses, be the rule of our conduct; for reason will teach us to think wisely, to speak prudently, and to behave worthily. Confucius
Let the states of equilibrium and harmony exist in perfection, and a happy order will prevail throughout heaven and earth, and all things will be nourished and flourish. Confucius
Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself! Confucius
Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher
551 - 479BC