As thou sowest, so shalt thou reap. Cicero View this quote
Also know as Marcus Tullius Cicero
Like associates with like. Cicero
Little by little old age renders the body less powerful. Cicero
Man must suffer to be wise. Cicero
Men of different tastes have different pursuits. Cicero
Men ought to be most annoyed by the sufferings which come from their own faults. Cicero
Nature abhors annihilation. Cicero
Nature has granted the use of life like a loan, without fixing any day for repayment. Cicero
Never injure a friend, even in jest. Cicero
No man can be brave who thinks pain the greatest evil; nor temperate, who considers pleasure the highest good. Cicero
No one can speak well, unless he thoroughly understands his subject. Cicero
Roman philosopher and statesman
106 - 43BC