Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it. Chuck Palahniuk View this quote
What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can’t decipher. Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk
What you don’t understand you can make mean anything. Chuck Palahniuk
When you reach the end of your life – trust me, you won’t look back and savor the moments you spent alone. Chuck Palahniuk
With insomnia, you’re never really awake; but you’re never really asleep. Chuck Palahniuk
Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space. Chuck Palahniuk
Without true chaos, we can never have true peace. Chuck Palahniuk
Women are already born so far ahead ability-wise. The day men can give birth, that’s when we can start talking about equal rights. Chuck Palahniuk
Yes, terrible things happen, but sometimes those terrible things – they save you. Chuck Palahniuk
You are permanent, but this life is not. Chuck Palahniuk
You can say anything if enough people will listen. Chuck Palahniuk
American novelist, essayist
February 21st, 1962