Opportunity comes to the prepared mind. Charlie Munger View this quote
Mankind invented a system to cope with the fact that we are so intrinsically lousy at manipulating numbers. It’s called the graph. Charlie Munger
Charlie Munger
Never, ever, think about something else when you should be thinking about the power of incentives. Charlie Munger
Once you get into debt, it’s hell to get out. Don’t let credit card debt carry over. You can’t get ahead paying eighteen percent. Charlie Munger
Our biggest mistakes, were things we didn’t do, companies we didn’t buy. Charlie Munger
Recognize reality even when you don’t like it – especially when you don’t like it. Charlie Munger
The iron rule of nature is: you get what you reward for. If you want ants to come, you put sugar on the floor. Charlie Munger
We don’t train executives, we find them. If a mountain stands up like Everest, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out that it’s a high mountain. Charlie Munger
We tend to buy things – a lot of things – where we don’t know exactly what will happen, but the outcome will be decent. Charlie Munger
Whoever makes you smarter a little earlier in life makes you better. Charlie Munger
You don’t have to have perfect wisdom to get very rich – just a bit better than average over a long period of time. Charlie Munger
American business magnate, lawyer, investor, and philanthropist
January 1st, 1924 - November 28th, 2023