Character is not a thing of chance, but it is the result of continued effort. Charles F. Haanel View this quote
You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought. Charles F. Haanel
Charles F. Haanel
You will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way. Charles F. Haanel
Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience. Charles F. Haanel
In order to express power, abundance, or any other constructive purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so that it will take form. Charles F. Haanel
Mind in action is thought, and thought is creative. Men are thinking now as they never thought before. Therefore, this is a creative age, and the world is awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers. Charles F. Haanel
One of the strongest affirming statements you can make is, ‘I can be whatever I will to be.’ Charles F. Haanel
Premature wealth or position cannot be retained because it has not been earned; we get only what we give, and those who try to get without giving always find that the law of compensation is relentlessly bringing about an exact equilibrium. Charles F. Haanel
Prosperity is a harmonious, creative state of being. Creative law will overcome every kind of inharmony, whether it be financial, physical, mental, moral, or social. Charles F. Haanel
The ‘I’ of you is not the physical body. That is simply an instrument which the ‘I’ uses to carry out its purposes. Charles F. Haanel
The absolute truth is that the ‘I’ is perfect and complete; the real ‘I’ is spiritual and can therefore never be less than perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease. Charles F. Haanel
American businessman, author
May 22nd, 1866 - November 27th, 1949