The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination. Carl Rogers View this quote
In therapy the individual learns to recognize and express his feelings as his own feelings, not as a fact about another person. Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers
It becomes easier for me to accept myself as a decidedly imperfect person, who by no means functions at all times in the way in which I would like to function. Carl Rogers
It is so obvious when a person is not hiding behind a facade but is speaking from deep within himself. Carl Rogers
It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried. Carl Rogers
It seems to me to have value because the curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I change. Carl Rogers
Life, at its best, is a flowing, changing process in which nothing is fixed. Carl Rogers
Loneliness is a barrier that prevents one from uniting with the inner self. Carl Rogers
Over the years, however, the research evidence keeps piling up, and it points strongly to the conclusion that a high degree of empathy in a relationship is possibly the most potent and certainly one of the most potent factors in bringing about change and learning. Carl Rogers
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying, Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.’ I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds. Carl Rogers
Small wonder that we prefer to approach therapy with many rigid preconceptions. We feel we must bring order to it. We can scarcely dare to hope that we can discover order in it. Carl Rogers
American psychologist
January 8th, 1902 - February 4th, 1987