Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose. C. S. Lewis View this quote
No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. To those who knock it is opened. C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis
Obedience is the road to freedom. C. S. Lewis
One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts. C. S. Lewis
Praise is the mode of love which always has some element of joy in it. C. S. Lewis
Progress means movement in a desired direction, and we do not all desire the same things for our species. C. S. Lewis
The more pride we have, the more other people’s pride irritates us. C. S. Lewis
The most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones being argued, but the ones that are assumed. C. S. Lewis
The process of growing up is to be valued for what we gain, not for what we lose. C. S. Lewis
The safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. C. S. Lewis
The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. C. S. Lewis
Christian apologist, novelist, and Medievalist
November 29th, 1898 - November 22nd, 1963