Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. Brené Brown View this quote
Also know as Brené Brown
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. Brené Brown
Brené Brown
Let go of who you think you should be in order to be who you are. Be imperfect and have compassion for yourself. Connection is the result of authenticity. Brené Brown
Life-paralysis refers to all of the opportunities we miss because we’re too afraid to put anything out in the world that could be imperfect. Brené Brown
Love is beautiful when it’s professed, but it’s only meaningful when it’s practiced. Brené Brown
Loving and accepting ourselves are the ultimate acts of courage. Brené Brown
Men walk this tightrope where any sign of weakness illicits shame, and so they’re afraid to make themselves vulnerable for fear of looking weak. Brené Brown
Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite grace, joy and gratitude into our lives. Brené Brown
Nothing is as uncomfortable, dangerous and hurtful as believing that I’m standing on the outside of my life looking in and wondering what it would be like if I had the courage to show up and let myself be seen. Brené Brown
Numb the dark and you numb the light. Brené Brown
Overcoming self-doubt is all about believing we’re enough and letting go of what the world says we’re supposed to be and supposed to call ourselves. Brené Brown
US writer and professor
November 18th, 1965