Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. Brené Brown View this quote
Also know as Brené Brown
Art is all just perfectly imperfect. Brené Brown
Brené Brown
Because we are compelled to make stories, we are often compelled to take incomplete stories and run with them. Brené Brown
Caring about the welfare of children and shaming parents are mutually exclusive endeavors. Brené Brown
Choosing whom I see and whom I don’t see is one of the most hurtful functions of privilege. Brené Brown
Comparative suffering has taught me not to discount the importance of having a process to navigate everyday hurts and disappointments. They can shape who we are and how we feel just as much as those things that we consider the big events do. Brené Brown
Compassionate people are boundaried people. Brené Brown
Connection gives purpose and meaning to our lives. Brené Brown
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. Brené Brown
Creativity, which is the expression of our originality, helps us stay mindful that what we bring to the world is completely original and cannot be compared. Brené Brown
Deliberate in their thoughts and behaviors through prayer, meditation, or simply setting their intentions; Inspired to make new and different choices; Going. They take action. Brené Brown
US writer and professor
November 18th, 1965