Everyone’s got an opinion. Be an example. Bob Goff View this quote
The way we love people we disagree with is the best evidence of what we really believe. Bob Goff
Bob Goff
The world will figure out what we really believe, by watching what we actually do. Bob Goff
There’s a lot to be concerned about; there’s more to be hopeful for. Bob Goff
Until we know what we’d give our life for, we won’t know what to give our time to. Bob Goff
We can’t always see people’s pain; they can always feel our love. Bob Goff
We might be known for what we believed, but we’re certain to be remembered for what we did about it. Bob Goff
We won’t be distracted by comparison if we’re captivated with purpose. Bob Goff
We won’t figure out what’s sacred in our lives if we settle for what’s safe. Bob Goff
We’ll be known for our opinions, but remembered for our love. Bob Goff
We’ll become whoever we trust the most says we are. Bob Goff