Don’t talk yourself into not being you. Bill Cosby View this quote
When you introduce competition into the public school system, most studies show that schools start to do better when they are competing for students. Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby
While fathers are pleasant figureheads, there is a special bond between children and their mothers. ‘Do you help your mother clean up the house?’ I asked one girl of seven. ‘No,’ she sweetly replied, ‘I help make the mess.’ It’s a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it. Bill Cosby
Why do kids always say peace out, I though peace was in. Bill Cosby
With my wife Camille’s help, I took to social networking. I’m working with the computers. Bill Cosby
You can teach an old dog new tricks. You just don’t want to see the dog doing them. Bill Cosby
You can’t prove somebody is a racist unless they really come out and do the act and is found to be that. Bill Cosby
You don’t know what you’re going to fall in love with until you’re exposed to it. Bill Cosby
You go and you buy a lottery ticket. You’ve got just as much chance of getting struck by lightning as you do of winning the lottery. Bill Cosby
You know my father’s favorite game? Come here and pull my finger. Bill Cosby
You know the only people who are always sure about the proper way to raise children? Those who’ve never had any. Bill Cosby
American actor, comedian, author, producer, musician, activist
July 12th, 1937