It is better to fail at your own life than to succeed at someone else’s. André Gide View this quote
Also know as André Gide
Chastity more rarely follows fear, or a resolution, or a vow, than it is the mere effect of lack of appetite and, sometimes even, of distaste. André Gide
André Gide
Clear and precise ideas are the most dangerous, for one does not dare to change them. André Gide
Do not scorn little victories. André Gide
Enduring fame is promised only to those writers who can offer to successive generations a substance constantly renewed; for every generation arrives upon the scene with its own particular hunger. André Gide
Existing is occupation enough. André Gide
Fish die belly upward, and rise to the surface. Its their way of falling. André Gide
Generally among intelligent people are found nothing but paralytics and among men of action nothing but fools. André Gide
Great minds tend toward banality. It is the noblest effort of individualism. But it implies a sort of modesty, which is so rare that it is scarcely found except in the greatest, or in beggars. André Gide
How much more sensuality invites to art than does sentimentality. André Gide
I advise the young to tell themselves constantly that most often it is up to them alone. André Gide
French novelist and essayist
November 22nd, 1869 - February 19th, 1951