The mind shapes the body, and the body shapes the mind. Amy Cuddy View this quote
Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies. Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy
Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us. Amy Cuddy
Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself. Amy Cuddy
A confident person – knowing and believing in her identity – carries tools, not weapons. Amy Cuddy
A mountain of evidence shows that our bodies are pushing, shaping, even leading our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. That the body affects the mind is, it’s fair to say, incontestable. Amy Cuddy
A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong elicits admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat. Amy Cuddy
Although our body language governs the way other people perceive us, our body language also governs how we perceive ourselves and how those perceptions become reinforced through our own behavior, our interactions, and even our physiology. Amy Cuddy
Anxiety gets sticky and destructive when we start becoming anxious about being anxious. Paradoxically, anxiety also makes us more self-centered, since when we’re acutely anxious, we obsess over ourselves and what others think of us. Amy Cuddy
Authenticity doesn’t just mean you’re not filtering what you’re saying, it’s about being able to know and access the best parts of yourself and bring them forward. Amy Cuddy
Being a comfortable public speaker, which involves easily being able to go off-script, strongly signals competence. Amy Cuddy
American psychologist
June 30th, 1972