Life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be had. Alan Watts View this quote
You can’t live at all unless you can live fully now. Alan Watts
Alan Watts
You may think there’s no point in singing unless you are good at it, but that is like saying there is no point in doing anything at all unless you are particularly gifted at it, which is ridiculous. Alan Watts
You must not be afraid of playing wrong notes. Just forget it, play it wrong! But play! Alan Watts
You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago. Alan Watts
Your soul isn’t in your body; your body is in your soul! Alan Watts
Zen is a way of liberation, concerned not with discovering what is good or bad or advantageous, but what is. Alan Watts
A less ‘brainy-culture’ would learn to synchronise its body rhythms rather than its clocks. Alan Watts
A mind that is single and sincere is not interested in being good, in conducting relations with other people so as to live up to a rule. Nor, on the other hand, is it interested in being free, in acting perversely just to prove its independence. Alan Watts
Accustomed, as it is, to think of man as a dualism of mind and body, and to regard the former as ‘sensible’ and the latter as a ‘dumb’ animal, our cultture is an affront to the wisdom of nature and a ruinous exploitation of the human organism as a whole. Alan Watts
Actually, the world is not complex. It is the task of trying to figure it out with words or numbers that is complex. Alan Watts
British philosopher, writer and speaker
January 6th, 1915 - November 16th, 1973