Life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be had. Alan Watts View this quote
Aesthetics is really a much better approach to ethics than theology is. Alan Watts
Alan Watts
All I’m saying is that minerals are just a rudimentary form of consciousness whereas the other people are saying that consciousness is a complicated form of minerals. Alan Watts
Almost all civilized peoples have been brought up to think of themselves as ghosts in machines. Alan Watts
Altough we all realize that monotony is boring, almost every form of industrial work- banking, accounting, mass-producing, service – is monotonous, and most people are paid for simply putting up with monotony. Alan Watts
And although our bodies are bounded with skin, and we can differentiate between outside and inside, they cannot exist except in a certain kind of natural environment. Alan Watts
Anxiety is the fear that one of a pair of opposites might cancel the other. Forever. Alan Watts
As a human being it is just my nature to enjoy and share philosophy. I do this in the same way that some birds are eagles and some doves, some flowers lilies and some roses. Alan Watts
As long as you do not know how to die and come to life again, you are but a sorry traveler on this dark earth. Alan Watts
As poets value the sounds of words above their meanings, and images above arguments, I am trying to get thinking people to be aware of the actual vibrations of life as they would listen to music. Alan Watts
Basically, there is simply nothing to worry about, because you yourself are the eternal energy of the universe. Alan Watts
British philosopher, writer and speaker
January 6th, 1915 - November 16th, 1973